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Amanita Fairy

Amanita Muscaria Powder

Amanita Muscaria Powder

Regular price $45.00 USD
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Amanita Muscaria Powder

Red Fly Agaric Microdosing Methods:

The following information presents various methods of using Fly Agaric, compiled from a variety of sources. You are free to mix and match these methods to find the one that suits you best.

Whole vs Ground Mushrooms: Personally, I didn't notice any significant difference between using the ground or whole mushroom. Some sources claim that ground mushrooms lose their properties more quickly, but I believe that as long as the mushroom is stored in an airtight container, whether it's groundФ or whole doesn’t make a big difference.

How to Consume Amanita: Brew or Eat? I haven't noticed any major difference between brewing the mushroom or eating it in its dried form. It's mostly a matter of personal preference. Some believe that brewing the mushroom and drinking the infused water, rather than consuming the mushroom itself, reduces the strain on the body. While it's true that chitin can be harder to digest, most of us regularly consume dishes like mushroom soup or stir-fried mushrooms without giving it a second thought.

Dosage and Timing for Amanita Consumption:

  1. My preferred method: Take 1 gram of ground or whole mushroom in the morning before meals with warm water.
  2. Take 0.5 grams in the morning and another 0.5 grams in the evening with water.
  3. Take 1 gram of ground or whole mushroom in the evening with warm water. This dose will either help you sleep deeply or cause lighter sleep with vivid dreams. 4, 5, 6 – These are the same dosages and times as mentioned above, but the difference is in brewing the mushrooms in water heated to 60-70 degrees Celsius (higher is possible, but not necessary). You can brew it in a thermos or a regular cup. Once the mushroom has sunk to the bottom and the liquid turns a uniform jelly-like color, the infusion is ready. 10-20 minutes of brewing is usually enough. You can either consume the mushroom itself or discard it.

Physical Benefits:

🍄 General tonic that supports all body systems
🍄 Relief from muscle and joint pain, including chronic conditions
🍄 Sleep improvement, increased productivity
🍄 Relief from fatigue, adaptogenic effects
🍄 Prevention of viral and bacterial infections
🍄 Reduction or elimination of allergies
🍄 Effective against papillomas
🍄 Support during intense physical activity or competitions
🍄 Gastrointestinal normalization, toxin removal
🍄 Increased libido for both men and women

Psychotherapeutic Benefits:

  • Alleviation of depression (especially seasonal) and borderline psychological states
  • Increased self-confidence, positivity, and ease in social interactions
  • Boosted creativity and problem-solving abilities
  • Nootropic effects, enhanced learning, and improved memory
  • Reduced cravings for smoking and alcohol, aiding in breaking those habits
  • Gentle withdrawal from psychotropic substances or medications

This is a dietary supplement, not a medication. It does not replace a balanced and varied diet. If you have any health conditions or are taking medication, it’s recommended to consult a doctor or nutritionist before using this supplement.

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